Florence - Blogs&Crafts winners announced for the XXIXth edition of Crafts and Palace
Great satisfaction with the applications for the 10th edition of Blogs&Crafts Europe - more than 180 applications arrived from all over Europe - whose Jury selected the thirteen artisans under 35 who will be given the opportunity to exhibit for free at Artigianato e Palazzo XXIX edition (Florence - Giardino Corsini September 15/17, 2023).
"We are proud to have believed in the new generations already ten years ago, the lifeblood of innovation in all artisan trades," emphasize organizers Sabina Corsini and Neri Torrigiani.
"The success of our initiative is a confirmation of the growing interest of young people in jobs that require manual talent, aware that they find in this sector an answer to the principles of authenticity, respect for the environment, connection with the territory and experimentation".
Stories of different passions and personal lives are the ones that the young "crafts" will tell us this year with their presence in the dedicated area of the Renaissance Scuderie of Palazzo Corsini, at work in their workshops recreated for the occasion.

"Blogs & Crafts Europe 2023" is aimed at all young artisans in European countries, thanks to the collaboration with the World Crafts Council Europe.
To promote and enhance craftsmanship and Made in Italy, the collaboration with the Ferragamo Foundation is renewed again this year, which will open to the winners the Salvatore Ferragamo Archives, custodian of the company's tradition and that craftsmanship so dear to the founder of the world-famous maison.
Part of this great attention to young people is Crafts and Palace's agreement with Métiers d'Excellence LVMH, which provides all young people under 25 with free access to the Corsini Garden during the days of the Exhibition, and they will be able to discover all aspects of craftsmanship by participating in workshops and small laboratories offered by the many maisons that are part of the LVMH Group in the dedicated spaces on either side of the central avenue of the Corsini Garden.
Applications for influencers and talent still remain open until July 14 to be submitted directly from www.artigianatoepalazzo.it.
France, Georgia, Ireland, Slovakia, Sweden and, of course, Italy are the countries present at this edition of Blogs & Crafts Europe, which brings a new selection of "crafts" under 35 to the Exhibition. The young "crafts," like all exhibitors, will also be judged by the public through special ballots distributed along with the Catalog that will decree the winner of the "Perseus Award" destined for the best craftsman at ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO 2023.
MARIE LEVOYET - FRANCE, Eliografica www.marielevoyet.com - IG: marielevoyet
Marie Levoyet founded the studio in 2018, placing the bond between the photographer and his image at the center of her practice. She is one of the few studios specializing in color copper photogravure, a 19th-century photomechanical process on the border between photography and etching where photographs are etched on copper plates and printed with inks, developing hues of an almost palpable depth and longevity. He collaborates with contemporary photographers, designers and artists, and in his most personal projects the notion of insularity guides his research: geographical insularity, but also emotional and sensory.
NINO MISRIASHVILI - GEORGIA, IG woodturner: woodincrustation
Nino Misriashvili, born and raised in Dusheti, Georgia, is a craftsman who works with wood and develops its decoration through the technique of encrustation. Nino graduated with a degree in economics, but after his studies he began actively collaborating with his father, a self-taught craftsman. For incrustations he uses different metals (copper and melchior), semi-precious stones (malachite, lazuli, turquoise), corals, mother-of-pearl and different types and colors of wood. In the technique used by his family, all details inserted into the wood are natural color and 2-3 layers of lacquer are applied and then the work is finished with organic materials.
MARK NEWMAN - IRELAND, Sculpture www.marknewmanjewellery.com IG: marknewmanjewellery
Mark Newman is an award-winning Irish goldsmith and educator. His work embraces a newly discovered neurological phenomenon, aphantasia. From which he himself is affected. Aphantasia makes the mind's eye blind, completely unable to visualize. Mark examines models guided by logic, creating practical "algorithms" informed by predetermined design notions, such as those of visual hierarchy and aesthetics. Visual inspiration comes from utilitarian systems such as civil engineering and brutalism. His goal is to create wearable sculptures that are visually striking and completely unique. Mark works directly with his clients to define the design parameters that will determine the finished work.
ATELIER OBJECTORA - SLOVAKIA, Goldsmithing www.objectora.sk - IG: atelierobjectora
As a multidisciplinary artist, Mária often combines woodworking and metalwork to create unique pieces that reflect her artistic vision. Her background - in puppetry, costumes and stage design - inspires her to constantly experiment and push boundaries. As founder of the small brand "Atelier Objectora," Mária produces collections of jewelry and interior objects that showcase her love of imperfection, feminist themes, and human stories. She takes pride in exploring the potential of both crafts and seeking a harmonious dialogue between them to bring something new and exciting to the world of art and craft.
MARGHERITA POZZALI - SWEDEN, Ceramics www.margheritapozzali.com - IG: margheritapozzali
Objects poised between fragility and humor. Margherita Pozzali is inspired by everyday life and inanimate things around her by looking for analogies between humans and objects to translate their behaviors into the characteristics of the objects themselves; each piece has its own ''personality.'' She also likes to try her hand at unexpected materials and combinations, and her favorite ''place'' for experimentation is the handle, where the object meets its user.

YAYOLAB - TUSCANY, Rugs and Pillows
www.yayolab.net- IG: yayolab Tatiana
Mannelli is an Italian-Mexican artisan, and with her brand YayoLab she creates unique, high-quality handmade rugs and objects using the tufting technique. Tatiana uses fine materials from local businesses and reclaimed factory scraps to create products that encapsulate her history and passion for Mexico, bringing its colors and folklore into homes, promoting more conscious consumption and slowing down the pace of production. Tatiana's work is 100 percent handmade and is appreciated for the originality and quality craftsmanship she puts into each piece.
FILIPPO ZANINI - TUSCANY, Perfumes and Essences
via Benvenuto Cellini, 34 - 51037 Montale (PT)
Getting excited with the nose allows you to discover infinite universes. Filippo Zanini, a young Pistoiese certified natural perfumer (IPF) and "New Luxury Award 2023" nominee. His passion for ethno botany and collecting wild plants and his passion for the sense of smell and its neurophysiology indulge his creative impulse to compose 100% natural fragrances with distillations, macerations, enfleurages and absolutes almost entirely self-produced with great care and labor. Always in search of interesting and sustainable materials, Filippo seeks to fix lived or dreamed moments in small bottles that tell stories. Filippo loves the beautiful and the unconventional as an act of resistance.
www.festinalentestudio.it - IG: festinalente_studio
Festina Lente Studio is a textile art restoration laboratory born from the collaboration between Elisa Monfasani, cultural heritage restorer, and Emanuela Fistos, restoration technician. The Studio is accredited to carry out interventions in sectors 4 and 6 - PFP3 (carved wooden artifacts, wooden furniture and structures, and textile, organic and leather materials and artifacts). Elisa and Manuela work by following the most up-to-date regulations in the field of restoration and conservation, working for Superintendencies, Municipalities, Museums and Foundations, Public Institutions and private collections. In addition to restoration and conservation, the restorers are involved in cultural dissemination activities (through Instagram channels, Facebook and events) and teaching (discipline "restoration workshop" and "hand weaving workshop").
www.daniele-giannetti.com - IG: giannetti.daniele
Daniele Giannetti is an Italian designer and artist from Florence. He did his studies in London, where he majored in Product Design at Central Saint Martins, before earning a Master's degree in Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art. He currently lives and works in Florence, where he creates terracotta sculptures, sound installations, paintings and performances. Since 2021, Daniele began participating in the Fuorisalone in Milan, where he exhibited first at Alcova, then at Isola Design District in 2022, and again at Alcova in 2023, where he showed his latest series of works called "Terra Anima." The collection features a range of unique clay sculptures, each created entirely by hand, without the use of tools or sketches. Guided solely by clay, Daniele has created objects that express his primary connection with the material. Each sculpture is structured and formed in its own unique way, showcasing the versatility and natural beauty of glazed terracotta.

ATELIER TERRE - TUSCANY, Marquetry of Hard Stones.
www.atelierterre.it - IG: atelierterre.marquetry
Atelier Terre is a workshop specializing in the creation of semi-precious stone mosaics that creates unique objects by juxtaposing thin slabs of colored stones whose natural hues are broken down and recomposed to form new images. Their inspiration comes from the inherent figurative suggestions of the minerals themselves; their technique from the ancient art of clerical work in semi-precious stones. Reinterpreting the traditional rules of this art, their works enhance the precious forms and colors of nature in a constant search for technical perfection. All of Atelier Terre's works are made individually and entirely by hand.
www.schaffneratelier.it - IG: schaffner.atelierceramica
All of Sandra's work originates in the hills of Florence, in her atelier nestled in the countryside, where in peace and harmony she creates utility and art objects using stoneware and porcelain, experimenting with combinations with other materials such as wood and iron. Nature in its many forms is the common thread of her decorations, glazes and geometries. Each of her creations is a new challenge in which she puts her whole self, imagines it, models it and takes care of every detail until its complete realization. Her unique objects carry with them a bit of her personality and represent her.
IG: biancahodselle
Bianca Hodselle's work is inspired on the one hand by values related to her choice to revalue traditional artistic techniques - such as embroidery, oil painting and weaving - and on the other hand by the identification of themes inspired by the magical world of nature that recall her ideas of sustainability. The process of creation takes on enormous symbolic significance for her, as it connects her to the revolutionary ideas of the 1980s-which affirmed a return to a so-called "warm" art and the recovery of sensible values-which involved a drastic departure from the theories of the 1970s that advocated an "ultra-conceptual" art of extreme dematerialization.
www.lebomboline.com - IG: lebomboline
"Le Bomboline" are papier-mâché sculptures made and painted entirely by hand by Amalia Di Tecco. Female figures with round, supple bodies, in constant movement, who love sports and practice yoga or at least try to... and one of their latest achievements was touching their toes! They are fanatics and in their workouts they love to show off swimsuits, always different and colorful.

2023 Promoter Committee
Stefano Aluffi Pentini, Jean Blanchaert, Benedikt Bolza, Marcantonio Brandolini d'Adda, Fausto Calderai, Nicolò Castellini Baldissera, Chiara Stella Cattana, Matteo Corvino, Maria de’ Peverelli Luschi, Costantino D’Orazio, Viola Emaldi, Elisabetta Fabri, Maria Sole Ferragamo, Drusilla Foer, Barnaba Fornasetti, Bona Frescobaldi, Alessandra Galtrucco, Alvar Gonzales Palacios, Francesca Guicciardini, Ferruccio Laviani, Federico Marchetti, Alessia Margiotta Broglio, Martino di Napoli Rampolla, Carlo Orsi, Beatrice Paolozzi Strozzi, Clarice Pecori Girladi, Natalie Rucellai, Maria Shollenbarger, Luigi Settembrini, Guido Taroni, Simone Todorow
ARTIGIANATO E PALAZZO XXIX edizione 15/17 settembre 2023 Orario continuato 10/19,30
Giardino Corsini Via della Scala, 115 / Via Il Prato, 58 Firenze
For more information www.artigianatoepalazzo.it
Tel. +39 055 2654588/89 info@artigianatoepalazzo.it
Florence - XXIX edition for "Crafts and Palace" 15 - 17 September '23